The exact workings of a Canditera are highly mysterious, but there are a few things of note which have been observed!

(general design notes reference and the limitations of Canditera :3 you can find out more about the specific traits on the traits page)

General Anatomy

Canditera appear batlike, although it is unclear if they are actually related to bats taxonomically. However, they are definitely some kind of ghosts, spirits, ghouls, whatever term you prefer, and they display a multitude of paranormal properties. They are ghosts tied to their love of a certain treat, and their physical form is made up of mostly said treat, any skin or fur not made of the treat being made of caramelised ectoplasm.


Canditera all wear some kind of container on their head, often a bag or bucket you would tend to find being used for trick-or-treating. Their headwear is very important to them as it protects the core of their being, the condensed origin of their soul fused with lots and lots of treats and ectoplasm. Their headwear cannot be taken off and is akin to a turtle's shell. Can they retract into their headwear like a turtle? Who knows!


Canditera are very expressive, even to the point of bending the laws of physics to express themselves and what they're feeling! While their faces may be drawn on, printed on, carved, or anything seeming to be peremanent, they shift around as if it were any other face rather than being stuck in one position! Their expressions are often exaggerated and cartoonish, but can be more subtle, nuanced, or vague at times.


While it is unknown if they actually need them to hear, most Canditera have ears in one shape or another. They typically stick out of the headwear, although they seem to begin on the headwear's surface rather than poking through it. Some Canditera will have parts of their ear, such as the insides or tufts, made out of treats, though it is only considered to be Treat Ears if the whole ear is made out of treats or if it resembles the shape of the treat in some way.


All Canditera have hands made entirely out of their favorite treat. It's how they grab more treats, after all! They can come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from including arms to simply being hands to being tiny to being huge. These hands display quite a bit of paranormal properties, not only do they always float apart from the main body, but they can appear and disappear at will! It is possible for a Canditera to lose or simply not have a hand they otherwise would, and in this case they may choose to get a prosthetic arm attached to their body. These prosthetics may be attached to the body or float apart from it, but they cannot disappear as can their regular hands. Very rarely may hands be able to float and disappear freely while not being made entirely of treats.


All Canditera have wings, although it is speculated whether or not they actually need them given their ability to float. They can have a variety of different shapes and sizes of wings, but they typically have at least one pair of wings on their back.


A Canditera's tail may come in many different shapes and sizes! Some Canditera like to wag their tail when happy, some Canditera have prehensile tails that can grab even more treats for them, and some Canditera even have tails that eat the treats themselves!


All Canditera are SILLY AND FUNNY i will write this later. :D


As stated before, Canditera are known to be a type of paranormal critter and can exhibit properties often associated with various flavours (no pun intended!) of ghostly ghouls you may hear about. They can do just about anything from floating, phasing through walls, contorting proportions, changing their appearance, disappearing and reappearing limbs, and who knows, maybe even possession! But don't worry, Canditera are almost always friendly spirits who mean no harm!


       Fun Size    Standard Size      Share Size             King Size

Canditera can vary greatly in size, the smallest recorded being around 15cm tall and the largest recorded being around 90cm tall. Above are fun names for the general size range of a Canditera, with "Standard Size" being the average.